Self Expression from the Inside Out
JC Dance Class
A fusion of non-traditional African and Latin dance, Jill’s class gets every part of the body moving and smiling. The results = joy.
“This hour with Jill was so empowering, so expressive, so freakin’ fun. ‘Dance Class’ doesn’t begin to describe it.”
JC Drum Class
An embodied mindfulness practice, Jill’s women’s drum class moves us from our head into our hearts through playing rhythms. The results = confidence.
“I loooved it!”
JC Artistry
A story-driven choreographer, Jill’s performances take the audience on an emotional journey through dance and drum that are unique expressions of her style and training. The results = hope.
“You brought my wife and me to tears! We felt every part of the story.”
A lifetime of movement
Jill Catherine loves to move. She has been teaching and performing dance across the US since 2009. A certified barre and pilates instructor, she’s had a daily yoga practice for more than two decades.
Jill co-founded/co-directed a dance and drum non-profit organization, center and performance ensemble in Syracuse, NY for 10 years. She also had her own studio on the North Shore of Oahu before moving to White Salmon, WA.
A college athlete, Jill hails from Syracuse, New York. She immersed herself in cultural dance and drum arts in 2002 and studied with master teachers at the renowned Djoniba Dance & Drum Center in New York City.
She has trained and performed in New York, Santa Cruz, San Francisco, and Seattle, as well as abroad in Cuba, India, Kenya, and the Ivory Coast.
Since 2014, Jill has performed as a dance and drum soloist at national conferences, universities, and events.
Jill’s artistry centers on empowerment, personal peacemaking, and the understanding of our body as an instrument to be of purpose and service to the world. Her style of movement is a unique blend of the traditions she has studied coupled with her authentic expression.